From Ailments to Solutions
We would all love to see our pets thriving at every moment of their all too short lives. Just like us, however, our pets can get out of balance and we search out resources to help us combat common problems, or in serious situations, make a vet appointment. While we recommend that individuals seek out a veterinarian's help when problems arise, we would encourage you to use your independent pet stores guidance on food and treat recommendations as much as possible.
We each have our own specialties. Most pet supply stores cannot set a broken bone or perform a life saving surgery. Similarly most veterinarians do not receive an adequate amount of nutrition information to properly recommend correct diets for your pets. (Excluding most holistic vets who usually receive a "whole pet" education which includes nutrition.) What traditional vets do receive often comes from multi billion dollar corporations like Hill's Pet Nutrition which carries a line of expensive "prescription" diets. (Great article here: Busted.)
In our opinion, prescription diets should be used as temporary elimination diets, or better yet, not at all as they tend to lack in flavor and quality, ultimately resulting in your pet's refusal to eat or additional trips to the vet for other ailments later on.
While we know we can't solve every problem out there with regards to nutrition, we can help guide you to what your pet should be eating and why. Nutrition labels are a human's guide at the grocery store when looking for quality, why wouldn't they also serve as the same for your pet's food?
In the meantime, here's a little guidance to help you with some common ailments. If there is something you would like us to have as a category, please let us know by emailing We are always happy to help!
For itchy skin or allergies | ALLERGY SOLUTIONS |
For Constipation/Diarrhea | HIND END SOLUTIONS |
Kidney Issues | KIDNEY SUPPORT |